. Cliff's Electrify: How to compress Gigabytes to just Megabytes!!!

How to compress Gigabytes to just Megabytes!!!

It can be very difficult managing large file on your computer as they use up a lot of space on the storage medium. Reducing them to very small sizes makes managing them a lot easier and makes ton for more storage. Below are two ways to achieve this.

Method 1: With UHARC
> Download and install UHARC Setup on your PC and then run the program.
Click here to download UHARC setup
> In the UHARC window, navigate to the file or folder you want to compress.
>Select the file or folder to compress. Hold the Ctrl key and click on multiple files or/and folders to compress all as one file

>Click "Add selected"
>Enter the name you want the compressed file(s) to have. The name must end in ".uha" without quotes. For example, if i want my compressed file to be named Documents, I'm going to type documents.uha
> Click "Browse" to change the folder where the compressed files will be saved, select the preferred path and click save
> Click "OK", and wait for the files to be compressed and you re done!!!
>To extract the files, double-click on the compressed file
>The UHARC window opens. Select the files and click "extract to"
>Select the location where the files should be extracted to and click "OK"
Method 2: With 7zip
This method requires you PC to have good memory else the files will be barely compressed
> Download and Install “7Zip Software” on your PC
Click here to download 7zip
> After installation, locate the file or folder you want to compress, right-click on it and select “7zip” and click on “Add to Achieve”
> Under compression level, select “Ultra”
> Click on Start button and for the compression process to run to completion and you are done!

If you memory if low, method 1 is recommended.

Please leave a comment if you have any doubt or question or anything to add.
Thanks for reading 😊


  1. my hard drive finally has breathing space ������


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